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Ashland, OH 
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419.289.8387 (VETS)

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  8a-6p  Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
  8a-1p  Sat
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Behavior Consultation

For those challenging situations that complicate sharing your home and life with your pet, we offer consultations to help identify solutions or to establish a plan for improvement.

Our pets live with us as close family members and are impacted by our lifestyle, schedules, living environment and our interactions with them. The relationship we have can be enjoyable or stressful (for both owner and pet) depending on their behavior.

Common problems that contribute to the breakdown of our human-animal bond include aggression, destroying furniture, barking, and house soiling. Some behaviors can be very difficult to manage and stressful or even dangerous to live with. Your pet may also suffer from fear or anxiety that contributes to the current behavior problems.

If you feel you do not understand your pet's behavior we may be able to help. Through a behavior consultation, we gather information regarding possible causes and contributing factors to help make a diagnosis and behavior modification plan. For more difficult behavior challenges, we refer to and highly recommend a board-certified veterinary behaviorist who works with a high quality team to assist you with your particular situation.